Take a Virtual Vacation to Madison County, Florida
Take A Break and Take a Virtual Vacation in Natural North Florida
Spring 2020 has brought a halt to Florida tourism, and tourism worldwide.. Our Visit Natural North Florida region has slowed, too, and with the restrictions of social distancing and travel we’re all dreaming of better times to come. And we hope that potential visitors, from near and far, take care of themselves, and dream of coming to visit us when the “fever” breaks. In the meantime, take some time to peruse our special “edition” of Virtual Vacations in Natural North Florida. This post is the second in that series. More, featuring highlights of our 15-county region will follow, each including links to local highlights, where “Nature Is Our Theme Park”!

Interstate 10 crosses the top of Florida, from the Alabama border to the Atlantic Ocean. This fast, busy highway parallels US90, the “old road”. If you’re interested in history and in how small towns have survived the “fast lane”, take a trip along US90, and be sure to visit Madison and Madison County.

Downtown Madison, the county seat, is a vibrant small town, with lots of history and plenty of activities for the visitor. The courthouse, at the corner of Base and Range Streets, is a beautiful example of neo-classic public architecture. Old restored homes, parks and eclectic shops can be found throughout the downtown area.

Madison County has plenty of things to do out in the county. Campers will find hospitality at Ragans Family Campground at Exit 259 on I-10, not far from town. There’s also a beach at Cherry Lake, at the north end of the county and best of all, to the east of town, there’s Madison Blue Spring State Park.