Take a Virtual Vacation to Cedar Key, Florida
Take A Break and Take a Virtual Vacation in Natural North Florida
Spring 2020 has brought a halt to Florida tourism, and tourism worldwide.. Our Visit Natural North Florida region has slowed, too, and with the restrictions of social distancing and travel we’re all dreaming of better times to come. And we hope that potential visitors, from near and far, take care of themselves, and dream of coming to visit us when the “fever” breaks. In the meantime, take some time to peruse our special “edition” of Virtual Vacations in Natural North Florida. This post is the first in that series. More, featuring highlights of our 15-county region will follow, each including links to local highlights, where “Nature Is Our Theme Park”!

Cedar Key is more than a lonesome coastal town in Levy County, Florida. Originally a fishing village, manufacturing center (pencils!), and terminus of a cross-state railroad, it’s now spread out over an archipelago of islands that juts out into the Gulf of Mexico. Whle fishing and boating are still popular there, there’s also a thriving art community with galleries and regular art festivals.
Cedar Key is located at the western end of CR24, about 24 miles from US19/98 at the village of Otter Creek.

The Island Hotel is one of the oldest lodging options at Cedar Key. It’s one of many available, including many houses, condos, campgrounds, R/V parks and motels. It’s also haunted! Other options can be found online HERE.
No matter your choice of lodging, you won’t be far from the water or from some excellent food and drink.

Cedar Key is renowned for its fresh seafood, especially its farmed clams and oysters. For information on the many restaurants in Cedar Key, click HERE

While the town of Cedar Key is mainly located on Way Key, one of the larger islands, there’s plenty of things to do in the “neighborhood”. Of course, inshore and offshore fishing opportunities abound, either in the Gulf or the backwaters. And the Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge , just up the road is an excellent place for hikers and birders to take a day trip,

Cedar Key is also the home to the Cedar Key Museum State Park. There, you can explore the community’s history, geography and heritage.