Paddle Natural North Florida’s Big Bend Saltwater Paddling Trail

Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission is proud to announce the Big Bend Saltwater Paddling Trail was awarded designation as a National Recreation Trail during National Trails Day June 4th, 2005. The Big Bend Paddling Trail was one of 37 trails in 23 states to receive this award. National Recreation Trail designation is an honor given out to those existing trails that have been nominated and meet the requirements for connecting people to local resources and improving their quality of life. The national trail designation is part of a continuing campaign to promote community partnerships and to foster innovative ways to encourage physical fitness. The National Trails System Act of 1968 encourages the Secretary of the Interior to recognize existing community trails that qualify as additions to the National Trails System. The Act promotes enjoyment and appreciation of trails and greater public access.

FWC recently added a seventh primitive camping site to the Big Bend Paddling Trail on the banks of the Econfina River. The site is 0.4 miles downstream from the public boat ramp where private camping and lodging is also available. The site is posted with our standard campsite sign on the west bank of the river. The GPS coordinates are N 30.03.23 / W 83.54.70.
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