“Nothin’ But Good Meat” at Newberry Cold Storage in Newberry, Florida

With two Bar-B-Q joints, a “meat and three” restaurant, a crab house and two Mexican restaurants, there’s plenty of good solid food available in downtown Newberry, Florida. And there’s also some good things take home and cook. Newberry’s oldest retail establishment is Newberry Cold Storage, set back from SR26 (Newberry Road), across the street from Newberry’s BBQ and just around the corner from the Baptist Church.

In addition to processing and storing whole animals for customers, owner Sanford Roberts and meat cutter Glenn Padgett offer smoked and fresh sausage, bacon, as well as a full line of pork and beef cuts at fair prices. Bacon sells for $4.50 a pound and pan sausage goes for $3.50 a pound. Smoked sausage will set you back a half-buck a pound more–and it’s worth the price.
I always advise folks that smokehouses and Bar-B-Q restaurants don’t often “show well”. It’s the smell and the smoke that count–and when you open your car door at Newberry Cold Storage, you know you’re getting close to some excellent smoked products!