It’s Officially “Spring-Time” In Natural North Florida’s State and County Parks

Fanning Springs State Park
Fanning Springs State Park

Easter weekend means lots of things to lots of people.  In Natural North Florida, especially in our State and County parks, the Easter weekend and the passage into springtime really means “Spring-time”!

Madison Blue Springs
Madison Blue Springs
Levy Blue Springs County Park, Bronson
Levy Blue Springs County Park, Bronson

Florida’s Karst geology has created a complex (and fragile!) underground network of rivers that course through limestone rock, occasionally popping up in the form of freshwater springs. A not-so-well-known fact is that not all of Florida’s springs are on land, and early sailors knew that they could “water” their sailing ships at offshore springs located in the Gulf of Mexico.  It takes many years for rainwater to percolate through the sandy and clsy topsoil and finally reach the underground aquifers or rivers.  That slow drip does and excellent job of filtering the water, and the depth of the underground rivers keep it cool!  All of the springs in Natural North Florida are cool and maintain a constant 72-degree F temperature, year round.  That means they feel warm in winter, and cool on hot summer days!

Madison Blue Springs
Madison Blue Springs
Fanning Springs State Park
Fanning Springs State Park
Madison Blue Springs
Madison Blue Springs
Wacissa River Park, Jefferson County
Wacissa River Park, Jefferson County
Wacissa River State Park, Jefferson County
Wacissa River State Park, Jefferson County

You can find information on Florida’s State Parks at

County Parks can be found by clicking on the Natural North Florida “contact us” page at

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