Cold Outside? Paddle Natural North Florida Springs–They’re “Warm” Year-Round

Most of us in North Florida are chickens! Not about getting outdoors, but about cold weather. Yes, we have a decidedly cooler climate in winter than our neighbors in the central and southern parts of the state, but we also have over 200 constant-temperature (72-degrees) springs that actually feel warm in winter.

Several of our best paddling spots are in State Parks. Manatee Springs offers easy access to the Suwannee River by way of a long spring run. Fanning Springs is adjacent to the Suwannee near US19/94. Gilchrist Blue Springs is a private park with a nice spring run leading to the Santa Fe River. Poe Springs, in an Alachua County park, and privately-owned Ginnie Springs also have short spring runs to the Santa Fe.

If you’re interested in learning more about Florida’s springs–and how they work–visit the Florida Springs Website