Take A Kid (or a Grownup!) Fishing—Family Fishing Days, Gainesville
UF/IFAS’ School of Forest Resources and Conservation (SFRC) has a big, long name, and even though it doesn’t say “fish” or “fishing”, its programs include Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (FAS) programs, including Family Fishing Days. This outreach program hosts monthly events (March through November) that provide families the opportunity to fish together in a safe and fun setting in the 6 “catching ponds” on the grounds of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Anglers can expect to catch bream (bluegill, red-ear sunfish, warmouth), largemouth bass, and channel catfish up to 10 lbs. Family Fishing Days are free, open to the public, and catch-and-release. Volunteers are on hand to help. Folks with little or no fishing experience are encouraged to attend.

2019 Family Fishing Days Schedule
All events are free and open to the general public
Fishing is from 8am till noon
No need to RSVP for events, unless your group has more than 10 people.
If so, please email c.hartman@ufl.edu
April 20 | Family Fishing Day Easter Egg Hunt |
May 11 | Mother’s Family Fishing Day | |
June 15 | Father’s Family Fishing Day | |
July 13 | Family Fishing Day Melt-Your-Popsicle Day |
August 10 | Family Fishing Day Back to School Bonanza |
September 14 | Family Fishing Day Aquatic Education Day |
October 19 | Family Fishing Day Spooky Candy Day |
November 16 | Final Family Fishing Day Veteran’s Day and Sharon Fitz-Coy Memorial |
If dates change for any reason, a notice will be emailed to those on the Fishing For Success email list-serve. If you would like to be added to this list-serve, please email c.hartman@ufl.edu, indicating your preferred email address. Click here to access the 2019 calendar as a PDF file.