2020 Festival of Lights at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park in White Springs, FL

Friday & Saturday, December 4 & 5
Wednesday- Saturday, December 9 – 12
Wednesday, December 16- Thursday December 24 (Christmas Eve)
The 2020 Festival at Lights at Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park will be different this year!
There will be a Festival of Lights in 2020. The safety of our visitors, volunteers and park staff are of foremost importance. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, there are significant changes that had to be made for this year’s festival.
You will be able to see beautiful lights and scenes that the Stephen Foster Festival of Lights is famous for. The light displays are set up as a drive through this year and can all be viewed from the park drive. We understand you may want to get out of your car to stretch your legs or to take photos. We ask that you park in designated parking areas and remember to mask-up and social distance when you exit your car.
Due to safety concerns, the activities we will not be able to provide in 2020 include: craft vendors, food vendors, hot chocolate, marshmallows, music, popcorn, Santa visits, trains, snow, gift shop or craft demonstrations.
There are a limited number of vehicles allowed in the park each night.
Thank you for understanding. We do plan to return to our typical Festival of Lights activities in 2021 or as soon as it is safe for us to do so.
Please check our Frequently Asked Questions for information regarding the festival prior to your visit. Visit the festival’s main Website for information about fees, access and pre-registration.