2016 Hoggetowne Mediaeval Faire–Two Fun Weekends in Gainesville

If you (or your kids or grand kids) enjoy jousting, sword fighting, watching fire-eaters, or jugglers, a trip to Gainesville’s 30th Annual Hoggetowne Medieval Faire, at the Alachua County Fairgrounds, is in order. The Fairgrounds is located at 3100 NE 39th Avenue, adjacent to Gainesville Regional Airport.
On Saturdays and Sundays, the hours are 10AM-6PM. On “School Day”, Friday February 5, the gates open at 9:30AM and close at 3PM.

Linda Piper, the Faire Coordinator, compares the event to “Gainesville’s version of Disney World” and remind visitors to get to the event early–and to plan to spend the day!
One comment on “2016 Hoggetowne Mediaeval Faire–Two Fun Weekends in Gainesville”
Looks like fun!